toki pona lipu walo

^z 14th July 2024 at 8:00am

toki sona - mi mute li wan

typical style:

mi mute li wan


mi mute li wan

We are One

(cf Mantra - We Are One (2017-04-18), ...) - ^z - 2024-07-11

o jo e selo pona
o selo pona

(cf Mantra - Be on Good Form (2016-05-10), ...) - ^z - 2024-05-??

tenpo ni li pali
tenpo ni li pali

The Present is a Gift — or, more literally, "This moment is given"

(cf Present-Moment Reality (2008-11-05), ...) - ^z - 2024-05-??

olin li pana e sona
olin li pana e sona

? — or, more literally, ...

(cf (), ...) - ^z - 2024-05-??

mani lili
musi suli
mani lili
musi suli

More fun, less stuff! — or, more literally, "Little Money, Big Fun"

(cf More Fun, Less Stuff (2002-10-01), ...) - ^z - 2024-05-??


x — or, more literally, ...

(cf (), ...) - ^z - 2024-05-??


x — or, more literally, ...

(cf (), ...) - ^z - 2024-05-??

«sina wile la, mi lukin e seme»
«tenpo mun la, soweli li lon nasa»
«tenpo mun la, soweli li pali ala»
«ni li lon nasa»
«sina wile la, mi lukin e seme?»
«tenpo mun la, soweli li lon nasa»
«tenpo mun la, soweli li pali ala»
«ni li lon nasa»

"Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?"

"To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time."

"The dog did nothing in the night-time."

"That was the curious incident," remarked Sherlock Holmes.

(cf SherlockHolmes (2005-10-19), ...) - ^z - 2024-05-??